Friday, December 26, 2008

2008 - Thanks for the Memories

As I look back over 2008 I'm grateful that:

Family and friends continue to support and encourage me as I move forward with my life.

I was introduced to Trickster, in the form of Coyote, through Native American stories. I find him wise and witty ... oh, and unpredictable and unmanageable and sometimes disruptive, but the laughter he brings brightens the darkest day.

My grief is healed. It was the three-part metaphor of the time change (dark to light), spring (new life) and Easter (resurrection power) that brought completion to the grief process. Do I still think of those I lost? Absolutely! Do I miss their presence in my life? Of course! Can I go on and make a new life? Yes, now I can.

I discovered Julia Cameron and her books on creativity. I found The Artist's Way workshop -- and did it! For me, it was a giant leap of faith. I followed on with the Vein of Gold, continuing to prod the dreamer into action. I accomplished my goals of beginning a blog and starting a Transitions to Transformation workshop focusing on the process of transition after change has interrupted your life.

I've had the privilege of meeting the French philosopher Gabriel Marcel (1889-1973) through the writing of a friend. I'm learning to breathe with the rhythm of life and to explore the "mystery of being."

I found out my heart is ok by taking a 9-1-1 e-ticket ride to the hospital. Seems I have high blood pressure. I can work with that... diet and exercise! Ok, so those are not my two favorite words, but I can gain appreciation for what they represent.

And so begins my list of things I'm grateful for in 2008.

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