Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Lessons Learned Along the Way

Well, Mom is settled in her new home and her transition is complete. I am still settling in with the lessons to be learned from the transition. It's always amazing how much hindsight I have! It must be a gift! :)

One of the concepts from Bill Bridges' work on transitions is that we must let go of the old life and fully take hold of the new before the transition is complete. The time of wandering in the neutral zone is the time of discovery - and of letting go - before we can enter the new beginning. Concepts are marvelous ideas both in their content and intent. Applying the knowledge acquired is an entirely different matter. I much prefer talking about what I've learned than actually putting it into practice. The integration of knowledge into the daily routine of life is quite challenging.

First I have to recognize the speed at which life changes. It is after all change that signals the beginning of transition. However, the change may happen and we may never make the transition because we did not recognize - or deliberately ignored? - the signals.

So, what have I learned? Well, for one, I've learned that I only think I'm in control here! And that may be a very good lesson to stop and apply before I quickly zip along to identify the next thing I think I've learned.

What are you learning? Are you applying it?

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