Thursday, March 5, 2009

Putting Off Until Tomorrow

I was reading a post on another blog - bloggers are so great! - and the line worth the price of admission was to "keep your bucket list short and your fences mended and never put off 'til tomorrow what is truly important to you." I have a tendency to put things off because I think there'll be time for that later. Only sometimes there is NOT time for that later. Later never gets a chance because some things will end today.

Many times it's not that I decided to put things off until tomorrow, but just didn't have - or make - time to include them today. Time flies. Tired cliche' I know, but often true. And suddenly there's tomorrow looming with both its own tasks and good intentions left from today. Even blogging finds a stack of incomplete posts. 11 out of 30 remain unposted. But my writing sometimes take a different turn from where I started and I'm not ready to put that much of myself out there. So my list of blogs grows, but my published ones continue to lag behind. And that's ok. They're teaching me things I need to know.

Going back to the original line that caught my attention, I want to make a bucket list and actually do the things I put on it! For those who understand the term, #1 on my list is my Artist Date. What a concept. Take myself out! If I can't do that how will I ever do anything more adventurous? Now I need someone to hold me accountable - one Artist Date by the 15th ... or at least by the 30th ... hmm, April might be better ....

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