Saturday, August 23, 2008

Birthday Markers

I recently heard a new friend saying that she plans her birthday celebrations far in advance. I was impressed! I often try to ignore mine. We've been conditioned by our culture to avoid aging at all costs. No lines, no wrinkles ... no candles on the birthday cake. While I can appreciate youth's opportunities and the years that stretch before them, I have come to recognize the richness of my own experiences ... although I can feel umbrage rise up when I'm called old!

Our family recently celebrated several birthdays and only one was called significant. Hmm, I wonder that every birthday isn't to be honored as significant. My mother turned 82, quite a milestone. A niece celebrated her 38th, unique in its own way. (I remember my own 38th birthday and smile) However, her father turned the Big 6-O. Those decade markers have taken on a life of their own. The question comes to mind - does how we live the 1-9 years create a more significant zero year? I think so.

I have a birthday coming up. It's not significant as defined by a zero on the end, but it is becoming more significant to me as I understand the value of a life well lived. My husband shared the same birth month as mine. As I think of him, I'm reminded of the examples he set, the character that defined him, and the life lessons he taught me.

As I prepare to celebrate my birthday this year I, too, want to plan ahead. I want to be well thought of after I'm gone. My actions today are creating those memories ... as well as preparing for the next Big-O birthday! This year is a little 3, but it's significant and I plan to treat it with the respect, appreciation and celebration I deserve!

Birthday blessings to all ... whenever it may be.

1 comment:

TRXTR said...

I'm glad less that you are wanting to be well thought of when you're gone than that you are letting go of being well thought of while you are here! HA!