Thursday, January 1, 2009

No Resolutions

It's not my intention to begin the new year with a list of "shoulds!" I found this quote from American journalist, Ellen Goodman - We spend January 1 walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives... not looking for flaws, but for potential.

This year holds potential and possibility and I desire to take advantage of their opportunities. Potential may not always look neat, tidy and practical. I want to discover the passionate potential that exists in me. Two quotes from Soren Kirkegaard resonate:

If I were to wish for anything, I should not wish for wealth and power, but for the passionate sense of potential - for the eye which, ever young and ardent, sees the possible. Pleasure disappoints; possibility never.

It is very dangerous to go into eternity with possibilities which one has oneself prevented from becoming realities. A possibility is a hint from God. One must follow it.

My intention for the year is to take a hint from God and follow it. Care to join me?

1 comment:

CoyoteFe said...

I haven't the foggiest idea who you are, but your blog is like reaching in the closet for a sweater and pulling out a gown. Thank you!