Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Community of Change

I entered the wilderness of transition without a clue, but with a life coach who had both knowledge and understanding of the process. Transitions are challenging times in our lives when, whether by choice or by chance, we enter a period of bewilderment waiting for a new beginning to take shape in our lives. We know for certain that it can no longer be the way it was. A chapter has closed, or is very near the end, and we have nothing in our sights to instill the confidence necessary that we will ever have anything again. We wander, we circle, we wait. What's happening? Nothing!

What can happen in our wildernesses, if we allow it, is community. Whether we quote the bible that it's not good to be alone or Barbra Striesand that people needing people are the luckiest people in the world, it's true. We need one another to make it through the night, the day and the wilderness.

When I look at those I've met in the process of building a new life, I realize how fortunate I am to be surrounded by people who care, encourage, challenge and support me. I have friends, tried and true, who've been part of my life for many years. I've also made new friends from the liminal groups in which I've participated. With each there is a sense of destiny as we come together and connect, at least for a season.

And now I'm discovering the blog community. What wonderful, creative, inspiring people inhabit the world of the blogs I've visited. What encourages me is the sense of connection and community I feel when I meet new people, whether online or in person. Left to the "news" accounts, the world is a scary, hostile place to be. But the people I'm seeing are caring and encouraging, reminding me that life really is about the people we allow into our lives to share the moments, whether briefly or for years to come. The scary places lose their power when we are surrounded by friends.

Hello, friends! I'm so glad to meet you.


TRXTR said...

Ah, Pilgrim! You are making progress...

CoyoteFe said...

Yea! I needed to read such a post right about now. I tend to like the wilderness because it is stark, beautiful, quiet enough for thought, and full of the unexpected. But never quite enought to want to take up residence. None of my friends actrually live there. Thanks for writing this!

Pat Bennett said...

Trxter ... ah yes, I may not know where I'm going, but I'm definitely on my way! Ha!

Fe ... the wilderness is an amazing place of discovery, but I, too, don't want to live there. Although, I know as I leave it, that I'll be back. The wilderness experiences offer some of the most enriching times of life.