Thursday, July 24, 2008

Beginning Markers

Having come thus far in life and expecting to continue on for many more years, I've discovered it is good to pause periodically and take stock of where we've been, what we've learned and where we're heading. Looking back gives us opportunity to see patterns and routines that identify our default settings. Looking forward gives us focus and direction.

Learning to pause when the markers merit reflection helps us adjust to the changing landscape of our lives. The holes left in relationships by the passing of significant family members. The emptiness - and opportunities - when children leave the nest. The challenges of promotion, moving, downsizing. The excitement of engagement, the adjustment of marriage and possibly the pain of divorce. The ebb and flow of life swelled by the waves of change. How to make sense, how to make the transitions, how to mark the endings as well as anticipate the beginnings. These are the markers on our journey that remind us of what we've come through and leave memorials in place for those who follow. Please join me as we reflect on this journey called

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